CONCENTRIC NETWORK CORPORATION PRESENTS NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR PERSONAL EDITION FOR WINDOWS 3.x AND WINDOWS 95 VERSION 3.0 ======================================================================== Contents 1. Upgrading from NNPE 2.X a. Windows 3.x b. Windows 95 2. Installation Tips a. Installing Over Netscape 2.X b. Other Browser Software 3. Frequently Asked Questions a. How do I receive mail? b. How do I set NNPE to retrieve mail automatically? c. How do I uninstall NNPE? 4. Troubleshooting a. My modem is not listed in Modem Wizard's list of modems. b. I'm using Windows 95, and my computer won't dial my modem. c. I can't connect to the network. ======================================================================== 1. Upgrading from NNPE 2.X a. Windows 3.x: The Setup program will detect and retain some settings from your previous version of NNPE. If you use a script to log into Concentric, Setup will also convert your old login scripts to use the new format. b. Windows 95: If you have an older version of Netscape Personal Edition installed on your computer, your Dialer files will be con- verted to Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking connections. If you had used Personal Edition to configure your Microsoft Exchange mail preferences, Netscape Personal Edition 3.0 will configure the Navigator to use your old mail preferences. ======================================================================== 2. Installation Tips a. Installing Over Netscape 2.X If you are installing Netscape Navigator 3.0 over an existing copy of Netscape 2.X, you must reboot your system (not just restart Windows) after installation and before you can connect to the network. To do this, close Windows, then hit the reset button, or turn your computer off and on again. b. Other Browser Software. If you have other Web browsers or online software on your system, you may experience difficulty in installing or configuring Netscape Navigator. Try un-installing the other software, then resume the Netscape installation. If you have more problems, see the information on winsock.dll conflicts in the "Troubleshooting" section below. ======================================================================== 3. Frequently Asked Questions a. How do I receive e-mail? To receive mail through Netscape Navigator, click on the Get Mail icon. b. How do I set NNPE to retrieve mail automatically? Select the Mail and News Preferences under the Options menu. On the Servers tab, set "Check for Mail" to the number of minutes the Navigator should wait between mail checks. If you are using the Navigator while off-line, you may wish to set "Check for Mail" to 0 to prevent the Navigator from making an auto-dial to the network to check your mail. c. How do I Uninstall NNPE? 1) Windows 3.x NOTE: Do not run NUNINST.EXE unless you are certain that you want to uninstall NNPE 3.0. After running nuninst.exe, some Netscape configuration information will be deleted, even if you choose No on the uninstaller's confirmation dialog. If you begin any part of the uninstall process, you must re-install the entire product. To uninstall Netscape Personal Edition, run the program NUNINST.EXE. The uninstall program is located in the C:\cncinet\netscape\uninstal directory. 2) Windows 95? To Uninstall Netscape Personal Edition, select Settings | Control Panel from the Windows 95 Start Menu. Then select Add / Remove Programs from the Control Panel. To uninstall, select Netscape Personal Edition from the list of installed programs, and click the Add / Remove button. ======================================================================== 4. Troubleshooting a. My modem is not listed in Modem Wizard's list of modems. First, try the "Hayes compatible" setting. If the "Hayes compatible" setting does not work, try the "Other Windows modem" setting. If this happens, you will have to specify your modem manually. 1) Restart Windows, then double click on the Account Signup icon in the Netscape Personal Edition Program Group. 2) Click through Account Setup until you reach the Modem Setup dialog box. 3) Check the box beside the phrase, "Don’t detect my modem, let me specify it." 4) Select your modem from the list, then complete the rest of the Account Signup procedure. b. I'm using Windows 95, and my computer won't dial my modem. After installing your modem under Windows 95, either through the Modems icon in the Windows 95 Control Panel, or through the Account Setup Wizard, you must shut down and restart your entire computer before Windows 95 will be able to dial your modem. c. I can't connect to the network. What do I do? There are several reasons why you may not be able to connect to the network. Here are four of the most common: 1) In order to gain access to the network, you must type in your UserID and password exactly as you entered them when you reg- istered for your Concentric Network account. Make sure that you are typing in your UserID and password correctly. 2) If you upgraded from Netscape Personal Edition version 2.X, you must restart your entire computer after the installation process before you can connect to the network. The Install Wizard will restart Windows for you, but this is not the same as rebooting your whole system. To reboot, wait for Windows to come onscreen again, then close it down. At the DOS prompt, hit your reset button, or switch the power off and on again to reboot your computer. 3) If you have configured Microsoft TCP/IP to use DNS (Domain Name Service), you may not be able to connect to other hosts through your Dial-Up Networking connection. Your Dial-Up Networking connection contains its own fields for Concentric's name servers, which will be not be used if you have specified name servers in your Microsoft TCP/IP configuration. The Account Setup Wizard will warn you if you have configured Microsoft TCP/IP to use DNS. If you see this warning, double-click the Getting Started icon in your Navigator program group, and read the topics on "DNS configuration" to either modify or disable DNS. 4) In order to execute properly, Netscape uses a file called winsock.dll, a copy of which was installed in the c:\cncinet\ netscape directory on your system with this software. If you have more than one copy of winsock on your system, Netscape may not be able to tell which one to use. To find out if you have multiple copies of winsock on your system, and to learn how to disable redundant copies, follow these steps: a) Locate all copies of winsock.dll on your system. * Windows 3.x users, open the Main Program Group, and double click on the File Manager icon. Select File | Search, and type in winsock.dll * Windows 95 users, click on the Start button, and select Programs | Windows Explorer. Select Tools | Find, and type in winsock.dll b) If the resulting list shows that you have more than one copy of winsock.dll on your system, you must rename the redundant copies to disable them. DO NOT RENAME THE WINSOCK.DLL FILE IN YOUR C:\CNCINET\NETSCAPE DIRECTORY. This is the one copy of the file that Netscape will need in order to execute properly. c) In File Manager or Windows Explorer, locate a redundant winsock.dll file that is NOT in the c:\cncinet\netscape directory. d) Highlight the winsock.dll file e) From the File menu, select Rename f) Rename the file: winsock.old g) Repeat steps 3-6 for each redundant winsock.dll file, changing the name slightly each time to winsock2.old, winsock3.old, etc. DO NOT RENAME THE WINSOCK.DLL FILE IN YOUR C:\CNCINET\NETSCAPE DIRECTORY. h) Try connecting to Concentric Network again to see if this change resolved your problem. If you are still having difficulty after making these changes, please call Concentric Network Customer Support at 1-800-745-2747.